Massive Murray Paddle Fundraiser

Dear Friends,

As you know, I worked at Caretakers Youth Refuge in my younger days.

The graphic footage of the kids who have been abused in the Northern Territory system reminds us all of our responsibilities to help others avoid these kinds of poor outcomes at an early age however we can.

I have friends who have asked how they can help make a direct difference for young people in crisis. Some friends are beginning volunteer work, some have donated clothing and goods and for others I am suggesting a direct donation to Caretakers Cottage programs which will go a long way to keeping their vital programs running for the kids.

For my part I’m putting my hands up and paddling my kayak 404km in the Massive Murray Paddle to raise some money for Caretakers Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal programs.

I’m asking you to join me.


Peter Matthews

You can make a donation to Caretakers Cottage by clicking on this link:

You can view the history and programs at Caretakers Cottage on this link:

You can look at the Massive Murray Paddle on this link: